To evaluate your case and prepare your personalized treatment plan it is essential to have a first dental consultation with our specialist for free, without any commitment.
We know that sometimes it might be hard to make the decision of seeing a dentist because of all the fear and uncertainties of the process. We are aware of all those things, that is why we have an outstanding team who will make you feel comfortable, assuring that at the end of the treatment you leave with an incredible result that makes you feel satisfied.
Every patient gets appointed a patient coordinator who will welcome you at our clinic on your arrival and will guide you all the way.
What does the first free dental consultation involve?
We start the diagnostics with our intraoral and extraoral scanners at Crooke Dental Clinics. 100% digitalized, totally comfortable and in less than 30 minutes we have a 360 degree angle of your entire teeth, gums, bone, and facial aesthetics. It is comfortable, precise, accurate, fast, and effective.
And we do this because before advising you, we need to know what we are dealing with.
100% Digital
Personalized treatment plan
With no commitment
At every clinic we have dental experts in each field of dentistry who then gather together and discuss your case, to provide you with an accurate diagnosis and your best course of treatment.
After diagnostics are done, the patient coordinator will prepare you a quote for the whole treatment with ways of financing the treatment in the way that best suits your needs. Any time you have a doubt or a question you can ask your patient coordinator as he/she is in direct contact with the specialist.
We encourage patients to come to our clinic, meet our team, have the first consultation, and talk to the specialist dentist so that they can have an exact diagnosis and quotation.
All these services are 100% FREE and with no commitments.