
Dental Implant Solution with Bone Loss

Complete reconstruction with fixed teeth from day1 in Spain

Specialists in complex cases

When you lose teeth and do not replace them over time it degenerates into bone loss and facial atrophy, it can affect numerous other aspects of your oral and overall health.

Boneless patients are considered complex cases to treat in implantology, lack bone to sustain a dental implant and restorations require special dental implants and bone augmentation procedures. In Crooke Dental Clinic we are specialized in complex cases and we achieve a fixed dental implant solution from day 1 in 98% of the cases.

We are working with experts in the field of advanced surgeries using guided and GPS-controlled procedures that result in minimally invasive treatments. We developed an evolved Zirconium fixed prosthesis, a 100% Biocompatible and highly resistant material. The highest technologies together with the newest generation dental implants, allow us to maximize the existing bone and avoid the need for bone grafts.


Solutions for Bone Loss


If you don’t want to waste time on slower treatments, there are dental implant options for patients with bone loss. The specialist will evaluate your case and recommend a treatment plan.

Sinus lift

We increase bone volume through bone regeneration in the upper back part to be able to rehabilitate that area with dental implants. This procedure is called a sinus base augmentation or sinus lift.

Bone graft

In a bone graft procedure, the surgeon will use a special bone graft biomaterial and insert it into the jawbone. The graft will create a new, strong bone so that the implant is stable.

Dental Implants for Bone Loss cases

If you suffer from bone loss and want a fixed dental solution immediately, there are special dental implant options, the doctor will assess your case and offer you the best treatment plan. Below we show you the different types of dental implants, with x-rays of real patients, that we work with in cases of boneless patients.

Shorter duration treatment

Immediate teeth and function

Restores facial esthetics


Zygomatic hybrid Implants

This prosthesis has 4 conventional implants and 2 zygomatic implants, the latter are long implants that are anchored in the zygomatic bone. It is the most common treatment for patients with severe bone loss, this procedure is performed under anesthesia and conscious sedation.

Zygomatic Quad Implants

For patients with total bone resorption, there are Zigomatic Quad Implants as a treatment option, which consists of the placement of 4 zygomatic implants. This procedure is done in the hospital under general anesthesia.

All On 4

In this treatment 4 dental implants are placed slightly longer than in the conventional All on 4, the posterior ones are inclined or angled to avoid damaging anatomical areas with lack of bone.
This allows the surgeon to find existing bone from where the implants will be grabbed.

Short implants

Short implants are characterized by their size, they are 8 mm or less in length, they are smaller than conventional 10 mm. They are used when there is limited bone height, where a conventional implant could damage the maxillary sinus or the inferior alveolar nerve, in short, a short implant gives flexibility to the specialist avoiding complex areas.

The main advantage of short implants is their low surgical morbidity, which makes recovery faster than with other options.

Solution 1: Zygomatic Implants

Zygomatic implants are much longer than conventional ones. They anchor in the zygomatic bone instead of the upper jaw.

When is it appropriate to use zygomatic implants?

  • When the upper jaw shows severe bone resorption.
  • Generally, in patients with a lack of teeth for many years.
  • When the patient has suffered from aggressive periodontal disease.
  • In cases where the patient wishes to avoid the necessary waiting time after a bone graft.

Crooke Dental Clinics was one of the first clinics in Spain to obtain the ZAGA Centers certification.


Solution 2: Custom Titanium Mesh

Custom Titanium Mesh or subperiosteal implant is an alternative to zygomatic implants when the zygomatic bone cannot be reached for different reasons (sinusitis or another ailment).

After an intraoral examination and a Computerised Tomography (CT), we design a custom titanium mesh that will be anchored to the patient’s bone.

The doctor will fix provisional teeth on the same day of the surgery. The final teeth will be placed once the mesh has been properly adjusted.


  • Safe and minimally invasive surgery.
  • Does not require bone grafting or sinus movements.
  • Consequent time savings in treatment compared to grafts.

Solution 3: Grafts and Bone Regeneration

Grafts and Bone Regeneration increase bone volume in patients with bone loss to place an implant in that area in the future.

Both procedures take place in very localized areas and are performed long before placing the implants.

Depending on whether a bone/gum graft or bone regeneration is chosen, the patient will have to wait between 4 to 9 months until the implant is placed.


  • The material used is biocompatible.
  • Obtaining high quality bone which is strong enough to support the implant.

Missing teeth can lead to bone loss in the jaw

Bone Loss before & after

Talk to our specialists

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